Joey has become quite the ham lately. Whenever I have the camera out he smiles and poses... how could I not take a picture?
More cheesing at the mall. He loves this little boat! He'll sit on it for a good 10 minutes after it stops!
Joe and I went to a friend's wedding last weekend. The reception was in an art lounge. It was really nice!
Joey has been afflicted with his brother's obsession with lizards! He was out on the back porch trying to catch a little tiny lizard, but I couldn't get a decent picture of it. :( Here's a couple cute pics of my diaper sporting lizard catcher though.
This was Joey's first time coloring! He loved it!
That face!
Cameron loves the beach... Joey, not so much. I decided to take the boys down to the beach to watch the sunset knowing full well that Joey doesn't like sand. I figured he was going to have to get used to it, seeing as how I don't see us leaving Florida any time soon. He actually did pretty well!
At first he kept saying "aw done", but then he saw a little plane fly over.
Such a ham!
Cameron is a true beach boy! That kid loves the sand!
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