Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daddy's Father's Day Card

I wanted to make a cute Father's Day card for Joe and had seen some examples using letters to spell out DAD. All the examples I had seen were with younger babies who weren't mobile yet, but I decided we would give it a try, so... We went to Michael's, found some wooden letters and got some paint. I had an idea that this might not go so well when Joey decided he didn't like to touch the letters in the store. I went ahead and bought them anyway. I got them home, painted them, got covered in paint myself and waited for them to dry. Once I got Joey all ready, here's how things went...
I finally got Joey to touch the letters, but he wouldn't hold them low enough to see his face.

Next he just got up and walked away.

But Mom, you know I hate grass!

Ooh! The camera... and so I gave up! We'll try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow, back into yesterday's clothes...
Okay, I've bribed the child with a small Hess firetruck. Seems to be working!!

Or not! I don't want to hold these letters!

This is what I think of your idea!

The finished product! Even though it's not what I had planned, I thought it came out pretty cute! Joe loved it!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hungry Boy!

Joey has figured out where the food comes from!! I think he had a little mission planned out because I saw him go to the gate that keeps him out of the kitchen and yank on it as hard as he could. When it came open, he ran right over to the pantry and pulled the door open and started browsing the goodies!!
He looks quite proud doesn't he?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Largo Central Park

Today we took the boys to Largo Central Park. They have a train ride on the first Sunday of every month. We thought it would be fun for the boys to ride, but when we got there, we found out that we could ride too! It was super fun!
New friends. :)
Waiting in line.

Joey waiting for the train to come.

That little tiny engine pulled us all over the park at about 10 miles per hour!

The train ride was actually much longer than we thought it would be! It was about 10 minutes long and went through tunnels and over water! It was really pretty!

My guys on the train. Joey looks like he's about to fall asleep!

After the train ride, we headed over to the playground.

That is one sweaty boy!!

Cameron climbing!

Cameron wanted to show me how fast he could run. When I showed him the picture he decided that he runs on air. :) Silly boy!

Joey and Daddy playing.

I got some cute pics of Joey. He makes a better subject since he can't get away from the momarazzi as fast as his brother! :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We're Online!!!

We did it! We're finally online!! On the 35th anniversary of being in business, we finally have a working website! Joe has worked REALLY hard over the past couple months taking pictures of products, uploading them and creating descriptions for them. Check it out! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Candy Class!

Cameron and I went to a candy making class together at Michael's lastnight. It was really fun and Cameron was so proud of himself. He made the blue dolphin all by himself! He also decorated the majority of the cake balls himself. There were a lot more, but they mysteriously disappeared before I could get a picture of them! :)

Cameron made treats for Joe and I that said "SD" for super dad and "SM" for super mom! He also made a big treat that says "I love you"! My sweet boy!