Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saving Money!!

I was recently introduced to the art of super coupon shopping and now I'm officially addicted! I have become a nuisance at the grocery store, even warning people in line behind me that I'm going to be awhile. The last time I went to the market, I saved $109. 82 in coupons. In some cases I'm getting several items for completely free! I'm hooked! I've been using the website to find deals and coupons to make my plan of attack. I've already done my shopping for the month of December, which was less than $200 (of course I'll have to pick up milk several times) and I don't think that's too bad for a family of 4! I never thought I could feed my family for less than $50 a week!
Anyway, the point of this post is that I'm already making my New Year's resolution to spend less and save more! My goal is to save $2,500 on groceries in 2010! Judging by my recent shopping ventures, I think it's very do-able! I'll be posting my savings each time I shop and hopefully I can exceed my goal by the end of the year!

Man, I've been slacking!!

I realized I haven't put up any new pictures since our trip to Savannah and actually, I haven't really taken many pictures either! :( Here's a little update to what we've been up to.
This is what happens when daddy feeds Joey pasta!

This is how I found Joey the morning after Halloween. He got a hold of a popcorn ball Cameron left unattended and climbed up in his stroller to watch T.V. and lounge.

Cameron trick or treating in the neighborhood.

I think I may have shown this before, but I think it's great, so here it is again!

Baby Mario

Mario and Luigi! I spent quite a bit of time fashioning a hat that would stay on Joey's head. He had that thing off in less than a second!

Our pumpkins

Thanksgiving cake! This is actually the only pic I have from Thanksgiving! I hosted this year and cooked everything myself for the first time. For those of you that don't know, I don't eat any meat and haven't for 17 years. This makes cooking meat a little challenging for me, but I tackled it head on... with the help of some decorating gloves. :) I cleaned, brined and cooked the turkey all by myself and was *told* that it was great. I hope it wasn't sympathy! ;) I also made about 10 sides and my first carrot cake from scratch. I think everything went pretty well... even with just 3 hours of sleep!

I took Joey to see Santa yesterday and actually got a decent pic of him! I did the drop and run method and the photographer was able to capture the .02 seconds of confusion before the screaming began!