I'm not a risk taker by any means. I like to know exactly what I'm in for and still err on the side of caution... just to be safe, ya know?
I'm kicking around some ideas in my head that make me nervous and excited all at the same time. I've had some interest in my cakes and cupcakes lately. I've even had an offer to give my goodies a shot in an established restaurant! The only problem is... I don't have a bakery. Food safety and certifications are a big deal. I can make all the goodies I want, but they have to have a visible tag on them that lets people know they were made in my home kitchen. A private kitchen that you can't come to and check out. I wouldn't buy food from a home kitchen! Lord only knows what goes on there! Do they have pets there? Is it dirty? What if I get sick? Who do I call?
In my crazed flurry of "what ifs" and "this will never works" I googled. I love google! Google found me a kitchen. A certified one. That I can rent! I can rent it by the hour or by the day or even by the month, if I was so incline. All I have to do is get some business cards, which my darling husband makes for a living, find out about insurance and pay for the rental. Ta-da! Certified and ready to roll!
I might actually give this a shot. It might just work... and then again, it might not, but what do I have to lose? It's not a huge investment and labor is free! I might be able to make something of this little hobby! It makes me nervous... really nervous, but I think it's about time I take a risk.