Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pics from the week...

Cameron has been asked to be on the demonstration team at Tae Kwon Do! This is a really big honor, especially because of his age! Most of the members are teens or adults! I decided to be "that mom" who stuck around for practice to take pictures. Next time I'll drop him off and leave, but I REALLY wanted to get some pictures of him in his new red uniform! :)

I wanted to get a picture of him doing one of his flying side kicks, but I couldn't quite get the settings right on my camera. :( I'll have to mess around with it a little more to get it right. This would've been a really cool picture!

I love his stance in this picture. He stood like that the entire time the other team members were practicing their parts.

We took the boys to the park today since it wasn't raining! Yesterday's weather was awful and I think the boys were getting a little stir crazy!

My sweet little boy! :)


Cameron and his football. He's got quite on arm on him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I can't believe how big your boys are getting! Cameron is looking so handsome :)
    And Joey looks just like you, too cute!
